Thoughts that keep me awake at night.

I could have published this website at least 2 weeks earlier if I hadn't used TypeScript.My favorite hobby is spending days to create Spotify playlists and never listen to them again.I know the secret of universe. It's... it's... [object Object].I care so much about my website being responsive, I just hope you're not visiting from mobile.This website is not tested, proceed with caution !!1!No "AI" was used on any of my projects or writings.Try ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A.I got a total of 0 matches on Tinder.I followed the Nasty-CSS styleguide. It's when you write nasty CSS. I made it up.My eyesight got worse while building this website.You made the visit number NaN (counting since 16 July 2024.)