Thoughts that keep me awake at night.


Apps, tools and gadgets that I use.

December 01, 2019


I’m not famous, and nobody has ever asked me what I use, however, I felt the urge to let everyone know about it.

So let’s start.



Other configurations:

I’ve disabled the status bar, the activity bar, the minimap, breadcrumbs and basically any other visual noise if I ever notice them on the editor screen. I’ve also disabled linting and TypeScript checks so I don’t see errors. I’ll run commands on the terminal to perform those checks if needed.

Here are some notable configurations:

  "editor.fontSize": 15,
  "editor.lineHeight": 23,
  "editor.cursorWidth": 3,
  "editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
  "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": true,
  "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
  "breadcrumbs.enabled": false,
  "workbench.activityBar.visible": false,
  "workbench.statusBar.visible": false,
  "window.commandCenter": false,
  "workbench.layoutControl.enabled": false,
  "workbench.activityBar.location": "hidden",
  "eslint.enable": false,
  "javascript.validate.enable": false,
  "typescript.validate.enable": false


  • 💰 1Password, manage passwords.
  • Adobe Premiere and After Effects, to make video.
  • Affinity Photo 2, edit the photos I’ve taken with my camera.
  • 💰 💘 Alfred 4, launcher, clipboard manager, scripts and more. I’ve created dozens of my own custom workflows to automate things.
  • Amethyst, I wasn’t into window managers until I used this one.
  • Amphetamine, keeping the display on for when needed.
  • Anki, flashcards. I particularry use is for languages and words.
  • AppCleaner, uninstall apps and all of their data.
  • Arc, the main web browser I use.
  • Blender, 3D design software. I’ve just started.
  • Docker, containers to run softwares in. The new desktop GUI makes it less painful to use.
  • Cmder, my go-to terminal when I’m on Windows.
  • Dozer, hide status bar icons.
  • Figma, design interfaces.
  • Firefox, my browser when I’m on Windows.
  • FUJIFILM X RAW STUDIO, edit photos I’ve taken with my Fujifilm camera.
  • IINA, media player.
  • iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh, my default terminal.
  • MonitorControl, control external display’s brightness.
  • Muse, control Spotify from the touch bar.
  • 💘 Notion, plan, save, track, write, everything.
  • Polarr, photo editor for when I want to quickly edit or resize images.
  • Port Manager, manage ports from the menu bar.
  • 💘 Processing, software and programming language to create visual art.
  •, neat bookmark manager (+browser extension).
  • 💘 Soulseek, peer-to-peer file sharing network.
  • Spark, email client.
  • 💰 Spotify, for both streaming or listening to local music. Follow me for epic playlists.
  • 💰 💘 Telegram, not just a messenger, it’s the main social media for me.
  • 💰 WorkingHours, track tasks and activities.


last update: dec 11, 2023

My favorite hobby is spending days to create Spotify playlists and never listen to them again.My eyesight got worse while building this website.I could have published this website at least 2 weeks earlier if I hadn't used TypeScript.I got a total of 0 matches on Tinder.This website is not tested, proceed with caution !!1!Try ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A.I care so much about my website being responsive. [my nose just growed longer by 1 inch]