Thoughts that keep me awake at night.

Play with the particles by moving your cursor or finger.View →

Animating 1,000,000 particles in the browser using the GPGPU technique.

One Million Particles


And simulations like N-Body that you can run with them.Watch →

Various kind of shapes and images you can create with particles.

What Can You Do with a Particle?


Learn about shaders, matrices, models and more.Watch →

Explaining the basics of 3D graphics in WebGL and Three.js.

An Intoruction to 3D Graphics


Animations that are inspired by the music and lyrics.View →

Visualizing the famous Unknown Pleasures album artwork.

Unknown Pleasures


Leave reviews for channels, bots and groups.View →

Discover the content you love on Telegram.

Telegram Directory


Manage links, set custom domains, and view statistics.View →

Free and open source URL shortener.



More than 20 programming groups to join.View →

Developers community on Telegram.

The Devs

I got a total of 0 matches on Tinder.I know the secret of universe. It's... it's... [object Object].I care so much about my website being responsive, I just hope you're not visiting from mobile.My favorite hobby is spending days to create Spotify playlists and never listen to them again.No "AI" was used on any of my projects or writings.My eyesight got worse while building this website.This website is not tested, proceed with caution !!1!I followed the Nasty-CSS styleguide. It's when you write nasty CSS. I made it up.I could have published this website at least 2 weeks earlier if I hadn't used TypeScript.You made the visit number NaN (counting since 16 July 2024.)Try ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A.